

7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Just imagine your day of presentation at work or wedding ceremony is about to happen tomorrow whilst you’re dealing with the frustrating acne issue.  Many tend to involve their aesthetic doctor to do some medical treatment such as laser medications and skin peels. Don’t get worried, here are simple remedies to get rid of acne fast you can apply at home:

1. Apply Ice Cubes throughout the day

Ice cubes are not only to refresh your thirst when sipping a glass of lemonade but can be utilized to dry out your pimple in a quick way. They are so helpful to remove dead skin and excessive oil clogging within facial pores. Use the transparent gauze to wrap the ice and hold it on the affected area for one to two minutes. For the best result, apply the method many times in a day.

2. Cleanse the Acne with Honey

Containing enzymes, electrolytes, and natural sugar; honey is evidently true to act as disinfectant so that the microbes causing the pervasive pimples can be demolished. Dab the honey on the entire affected skin with sterile cotton and let it for around 30 minutes, and wash thoroughly with warm water. If you think it’s too boring, add the cinnamon powder for another variation. 

3. Use Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another great alternative to getting rid of acne fast. The citrusy substance, very effective to kill the super tiny organism, acts as a germicide, as well as an astringent. Before sleeping, dab the lemon juice on the influenced skin with the clean cotton. If your pimples seem tenacious, just combine the lemon juice with cinnamon powder. Then, apply the mixture for an overnight treatment. The method is not recommended for those having sensitive skin.


4. Try the Tomato Face Mask

It turns out that tomato, rich in lycopene and antioxidant, helps in lifting the blemishes and protecting your skin from UV radiation. There are numerous ways to get the benefit of lycopene, which one of them is applying tomato face mask, made of ground tomato—be sure to boil the red fruit first. You can add an avocado and olive oil for a better result. Dab the homemade mask onto your face and let it for an hour before sleep.

5. Smear Toothpaste on Face

If you have no natural ingredients such as fruits, take the toothpaste for an effective curing treatment on pimples. Instead of gel base, use the white one with fluoride. The influenced zone should be covered with it overnight and washed with cool water after waking up. As the toothpaste is quite irritating, you need to be careful while applying it. Sensitive skin isn’t absolutely suggested since it might trigger skin inflammation.

6. Remove the Pimples with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil along with its antibacterial properties indeed helps you to treat skin problems like the acne and rosacea. How to apply it? Saturate a cotton ball in the oil and straightforwardly touch it on the skin. Let it for about 20 minutes and flush your face with warm water. The blend of some drops of oil and Aloe Vera gel is another option to keep your matter off.

7. Pamper Yourself with Garlic Cloves

Garlic cloves are not only famous for basic seasoning to create flavorful dishes, but they are used for the medical purpose in a long decade. The antibacterial and cell reinforcement features are good to heal the blemish inflammation scars. Halve the garlic clove lengthwise, rub it on the entire skin affected by acne, and let it for about five minutes. Do this easy method regularly (three times in a day).

Instead of lavishing money on the dermatologist care, using those simple ways to get rid of acne fast is totally great. Good luck and happy trying!

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7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

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